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Monday, June 1, 2015


I've been seeing some fabulousness happening to TPT storefronts and FINALLY sat down to figure out how to do it myself.

And that cute little pic is a link to all of my math glyphs! 

Want to do know how to do it? IT'S SO EASY! Let's do this! 

You will need this code

I suggest copying it and pasting it a word document or something because you will need to edit it a bit before it's ready to be inserted in your profile.

You need to make a cute little pic. Mine was 2.35H x 4.8W (I truly don't know how much bigger you can make this. I kind of lucked out that my image fit the first time! It might take a bit of playing around if your image doesn't fit). If you find the exact dimensions, let me know and I'll give you credit! 

Upload your image to a hosting sight (I use photobucket) and click on and copy the DIRECT LINK. That will be what you use for "Picture Link" in the code above, BUT you'll need to shorten the link first. That takes me to step "THIRD" ;) 

Part 1) Shorten your picture link with Bitly or Goo.gl (When you insert the final code into your profile, it will have to be 120 characters or less. So this is important). Once you've shortened it, enter in the code below where the text is RED (delete the words that are there)

OPTIONAL Part 2) If you want your picture to link to a certain product or custom category (and why wouldn't you??), you'll want to copy and shorten that link, too. Then enter it into the code below where the text is RED (again, delete the words that are there)

Go to your dashboard.
You'll want to go to My TPT > My Account > Store Profile > Edit >
and then copy & paste the code in the "Personal Quote" area. Here are a few pics incase you're a visual learner :)


I hope this is super helpful! xoxo