Morning Message is a PROJECTABLE, daily review of essential reading skills. It's saved as a PowerPoint file, so it's easy to project and flip between days. The ONLY thing to print is the answer sheets!
Morning Message, Edition 1's spiraled reading skills include Topic and Main Idea, Character Traits, Theme, Inferencing, and Context Clues.
Morning Message, Edition 2's spiraled reading skills include Main Idea and Supporting Details, Character Traits, Cause and Effect, Inferencing, and Context Clues.
Morning Message, Edition 3's spiraled reading skills will include (it's being finished!) Main Idea and Supporting Details, Analyzing Characters, Cause and Effect, Inferencing and Conclusions, and Context Clues. Edition 3 should be finished in the next week or so!!
I also have a GROWING BUNDLE of Edition 1 and Edition 2... It will jump in price when I add Edition 3!
Guys. My students LOVE Morning Message. And I pretty much want to jump for joy whenever I hear them present their answers. Just listen to this little smarty pants by playing the video* below!!
*Please note I DID NOT HELP AT ALL WITH THIS RESPONSE! The student used the sentence stem provided on the Morning Message slide to construct his answer.
Morning Message is for ALL learners in ALL classrooms. Here's why:
- Each slide starts with a short review of the focus skill
- Reading selections are engaging and short in length
- Responses are open ended
- Sentence stems are provided for each response
- Students support their answers with TEXT EVIDENCE
- 2 types of answer sheets are included: blank and with sentence stems
I start my day off teaching reading to my homeroom. Morning Message is the PERFECT warm-up before my students start their independent reading. My students walk in, get settled, look at the overhead screen for the day's morning message and get started. After announcements, we review everyone's answers. As I said before, my students LOVE to read their responses! The hardest part of reviewing is letting my kiddos know we don't have time to listen to EVERY response because they ALL want to answer!! In my opinion, that is a FABULOUS problem to have! :)
Recently, WeAreTeachers Reading shared my post about "Think Deep Thursday" on Facebook and it went viral! Think Deep Thursday is the inferencing activity that started my Morning Message set. 2,960 shares?!?!? Are you kidding me?! I WAS STOKED!! And I for sure did some jumping for joy... And squealed... There was definitely some squealing!!
Every Thursday is STILL "Think Deep Thursday" in my classroom, but now it's projectable! No prep! YAY! And all the other days review other essential reading skills. I cannot express in words the feeling I get when I see ALL my learners, high and low, being successful when using Morning Message. But I don't need to - you're a teacher so YOU TOTALLY GET IT! I'm so excited about the feedback I've gotten on TPT, because other teachers are seeing the success with their students as well. WARMS MY HEART, Y'ALL!
I would LOVE for you to check out Morning Message and use it in your classroom! You can download a FREE WEEK from my TPT store! I'd love to hear what you think!
And if you LOVE it (I sure hope you do!), check out Edition One and Edition Two, or save some money and get the GROWING BUNDLE which will include soon to be finished Edition Three!
Do you use Morning Message in your classroom? I'd love to hear how it's helping your students!! <3 p="">